In FEAST you will all things related to feasting. You will find inspiration for parties, tablescaping, baking and creating a atmosphere for entertaining. You can bet that we celebrated with food this year whether gathering friends on the deck for grilling, hosting a wedding party or a group of blogging friends. Time around the table is one of our favorite things. Winter Whiteout Cupcakes For A Wedding Farm Fresh Baby Radish Appetizer Hearty Guinness Beef Stew Homemade Pasta Recipe Moss Mojitos … [Read more...]
LoveFeast Weekend Celebrating Around The Table

Remember way back before Christmas? Kristin and her husband came to Minnesota for our end of year business meeting. Besides a bit of work and some meetings, we were celebrating. We finished out the year strong! We met our goals for 2012 here at our blog, LoveFeast Table and at our online boutique, LoveFeast Shop! Almost any time we have together tends to be celebrated around the table. Looking back on our stream from Instagram. You can see as we celebrated we nibbled around town and at our own table. Here's a bit of our … [Read more...]
Dinner Idea For Holiday Leftovers

My family has celebrated Thanksgiving twice this week. We've shared a feast with friends and we've shared a feast with our family. Traditionally both Kristin's husband, Devon and my husband, Todd cook the turkey dinners in both of our homes. Most Thanksgivings they consult eachother over the phone about what brine concoction to soak the turkey in or what type of booze they are adding to the gravy. This year Kristin's husband outdid himself with a beautiful bird. In case you missed it, you can see the menu including their … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving 2012 Menu

Every time we share a meal together, Chris Ann and I write the menu on our chalkboards. She writes hers on the chalkboard I gave her before our family left the country. It use to hang over the counter at our coffee shop, Jahva House. I love that it hangs in her house. I love that a piece that represented an important era in our friendship journey, falls on her eyes every day. It hangs in the center of her home where her kids sometimes put up their own messages. But, the culture of writing a menu on the chalkboard was one … [Read more...]
60th Birthday Celebration

Over the past few years, my mom has requested a homemade, gourmet meal for her birthday. This year was no different. But, this year was a new milestone for her, she turned 60. Yes, she's young especially for a Mom-Mom with 10 grand kids! She started having kids when she was young. I'm her oldest and she was 20 when she had me. Yes, you did the math very quickly...this will be a milestone year for me as well. She always gives us carte blanche to create whatever menu we choose, as long as there is some sort of fish on the … [Read more...]
Terrain at Styers
Somewhere a couple of years ago, I read that the founders of Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters had opened a garden store, Terrain at Styers, somewhere near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. So, when my husband and I went to Philly for the weekend, I put Terrain on my list of "must dos". Within minutes of pulling into the parking lot, my heart began to beat just a little faster. Anthropologie-meets-my-garden, plus my husband, was all I would need for a wonderful afternoon date. It was beginning to sprinkle and storm clouds … [Read more...]
LoveFeast for 16 Year Old Boys
My oldest son turned 16 this summer, on the 16th...which made it his Golden Birthday! We call him Drama Boy because he has been acting for years. I remember when he was 3 and would perform all of Godspell on his top bunk when "no one" was looking. We wanted to do something special, so we suggested a multi course dinner for him and his friends. Drama Boy has been raised in a foodie home, so he quickly saw the value in this idea! Devon and I planned a surprise menu developed with Asian influence in mind (Drama Boy loves … [Read more...]
Hannah Montana’s Hoe Down in Baltimore

Ok, so it wasn't actually a Hannah Montana Hoe Down, but while I was sitting at the movies with my 7 year old daughter, I couldn't help but think back to the Easter Hoe Down, Throw Down we had! It was a total Love Feast Hoe Down!! We changed up our traditions, to the sorrow of some of our kids...and the grandmom! For years we have gone to my Aunt and Uncle's house for Easter dinner. They are without a doubt, my host and hostess heroes! They know how to throw a party and make everyone feel welcomed and at home! Why … [Read more...]
The Baby

He walked in with the baby. It looked like it was at least 30 lbs. It was round and plump and it quickly took me back to another place and time. Italy in 2007. It was night and we wound our way around the twisty Florence roads (it was somewhere near the Piazzale Michelangelo). On the right we noticed a sign. It looked quaint and tucked away. We pulled in and parked the car. As we descended down the steps, an Eden of a back yard unfolded before our eyes! There were maybe eight tables set up and set aglow by candlelight. … [Read more...]